
Public-private partnerships

The way passenger and freight transport services are provided has changed greatly over the past few decades. New mobility services have emerged. Information and communication technologies have made transport systems more connected and efficient. At the same time, the actors that concur to shape the urban mobility landscape in European cities have multiplied. Cities need therefore to reposition themselves to preserve their central role in making urban mobility sustainable, efficient and safe.

As the leading network of European cities and regions for transport innovation, POLIS plays its part to promote a greater cooperation between public and private actors in the field of urban mobility. POLIS is leading the ERTRAC Working Group on Urban Mobility, which gathers road transport stakeholders to identify challenges and define priorities for future research activities on urban mobility. POLIS is also active in public-private initiatives to promote mutual understanding on urban vehicle access regulations (UVARs) and electric vehicles development.

POLIS supports its members in their effort to work in close contact with private stakeholders to serve greater sustainable urban mobility goals via the activities of the Working Group on Governance.

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