OASIS (Open Architecture for Accessible Services Integration and Standardisation) aimed to develop e-services for elderly people, including mobility services.
OASIS introduced an innovative, Ontology-driven, Open Reference Architecture and Platform, which enabled and facilitated interoperability, seamless connectivity and sharing of content between different services and ontologies in all application domains relevant to applications for the elderly and beyond. The OASIS platform is open, modular, holistic, easy to use and standards abiding. It includes a set of novel tools for content/services connection and management, for user interfaces creation and adaptation and for service personalization and integration.
The project was funded by the European Commission's Directorate General for Mobility and Transport thought the FP7 Programme. It ran from January 2008 to December 2011.
OASIS publications:
- Standards-based content resources: a prerequisite for content integration and content interoperability
- A WSDL structure based approach for semantic categorization of web service elements
- A common platform for AAL services and a common future - The universAAL project
- An Ontology-Driven Multisensorial Platform to Enable Unobtrusive Human Monitoring and Independent Living
Want to keep up with the latest news? Visit the project's CORDIS page.