2024 - 2025


LeMesurier is a two-year Horizon Europe project that will measure the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the 2ZERO Partnership.

Launched in 2021, the 2ZERO Partnership brings together the European Commission and a wide range of stakeholders from industry, technology, research, and academia, with a clear vision: achieving zero-emission road transport by 2050.

To better understand the impact of this partnership and its contribution to the decarbonisation objectives of the EU, 2ZERO encompasses a diverse range of KPIs directly tied to the multi-tiered strategy outlined in its objectives, as articulated in its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).

Introducing LeMesurier

Electric vehicle charging station in Amsterdam. Credit: Ernest Ojeh, Unsplash

LeMesurier aims to:

  • establish a common framework for monitoring the contributions of the 2ZERO partnership and the results of its projects to the partnership’s main objective;
  • uncover and quantify the full spectrum of interactions, impacts, and effectiveness of the partnership within the realm of road transport challenges, drawing insights primarily from the results of 2ZERO partnership projects;
  • provide recommendations to enhance the measurement and evaluation methods for assessing the partnership's performance in addressing road transport challenges;
  • and share and leverage the methodologies and measurements of 2ZERO KPIs with relevant projects and stakeholders, both within and beyond the 2ZERO initiative.

This Coordination and Support Action (CSA) will not only facilitate the identification and quantification of the partnership's interactions, impacts, and effectiveness within road transport challenges, but will also offer valuable recommendations to refine measurement and evaluation methodologies. Moreover, LeMesurier is committed to sharing its findings far and wide, engaging stakeholders across the road transport sector, as well as Member States and the general public through various media platforms and events.

Making LeMesurier possible

The project consortium represents many sectors of the road transport community coming from several European countries. It will be guided by a strong Advisory Board representing vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, Regional Transport Offices (RTOs), transport operators and infrastructure providers, as well as technology partnerships, joint undertakings, and other representative organisations within Europe.

LeMesurier will also closely link with STREnGth_M, as several partners are common to both projects.

The project started in January 2024 and will conclude in December 2025.

Want to keep up with the latest news? Visit LeMesurier's website and follow the project on LinkedIn.