2023 - 2026


It is clear: increasing greenhouse emissions represent one of the most significant global challenges we face today - and the way we deliver our goods and move around the city plays a massive role in this. In comes the uniquely named Horizon EU project DISCO! 

The Urban Mobility Framework confirms that greenhouse gas emissions resulting from transportation need to be significantly reduced by 2030, and the EU Mission aims to reduce climate emissions by 55% by 2030. Achieving these goals cannot be attained solely through vehicle decarbonisation targets. As part of this new transformation, some areas have become outdated, as their space, services, and accessibility no longer meet current needs.


In comes the uniquely named DISCO project, funded by the Horizon EU programme. The name stands for Data-driven, Integrated, Syncromodal, Collaborative and Optimised urban freight meta-model for a new generation of urban logistics and planning with data sharing at European Living Labs’. In short: it aims to support cities in undertaking the digital transformation of urban logistics and sustainable planning and to optimally and strategically manage urban space, in order to accelerate the achievement of EU mission cities goals by 2030.

How? DISCO will drive EU Cities towards Physical Internet by demonstrating 23 flagship solutions on optimal and flexible use of urban space for logistics in 8 European Living Labs, including:

  • Copenhagen (DK)
  • Ghent (BE)
  • Thessaloniki (EL)
  • Helsinki (FI)
  • Padua (IT)
  • and a Spanish Cluster consisting of Barcelona, Valencia, and Zaragoza (ES).

But that is not all! 4 Follower Cities also join the projects, and they are:

Over the course of 42 months, the consortium consisting of a whooping 47 partners will facilitate voluntary data sharing among stakeholders and introduce urban freight data space ecosystems that are efficient and trustworthy.

Want to keep up with the latest news? Visit the project's website and follow them on Twitter and LinkedIn.