POLIS Global
Rapid urbanisation is a major global trend which is expected to further accelerate over the next decades.
The POLIS Global Platform was established with the aim to structure, pool, and support the increasing outreach and exchange activities of the network and its members on an international scale. Building on a pool of European competence and excellence, it addresses shared global transport challenges, such as climate change, air pollution, congestion, road safety and accessibility.
Through its Global Platform, POLIS has established cooperation and partnerships with relevant international organisations such as the International Transport Forum (OECD), the World Health Organisation (WHO), and UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) and has become a member of SLoCaT (Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport), the World Bank’s SUM4ALL alliance, UEMI, the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative, and NUMO, the New Urban Mobility Alliance.
Cooperation and peer-to-peer knowledge exchange with non-European cities is another core objective of the POLIS Global Platform. That’s why POLIS offers the possibility for non-European cities to become engaged in the network as associated members and link up with their European counterparts. For that purpose, POLIS also engages in European-funded projects focusing on international cooperation between cities from across the globe, such as SOLUTIONS, FUTURE-RADAR and SOLUTIONS Plus.
For further information
For further information, to become a member of POLIS Global, or to express your interest in the activities of the Global Platform, please contact
Karen Vancluysen.