Smart City Expo World Congress, the leading event on smart cities and urban solutions
The Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) is the leading international conference on smart cities and urban solutions. The 2018 edition will gather over 400 spearkers and thinkers from fields that range from technology to smart governance to sharing economy and mobility.
The congress has been structured into five themes:
- Digital transformation
- Urban environment
- Mobility
- Governance & Finance
- Inclusive & Sharing Cities
The event will cover topics such as data-driven cities, 5G and the future of connectivity, resilient cities, gentrification, innovative transport systems, multilevel governance, sharing and collaborative economy, circular economy and cities for all.
High-level speakers will include:
- Rufus Pollock, economist and founder of Open Knowledge International
- Andrew Keen, economist and author of How to fiw the Future and Cult of the Amateur
- Victor Pineda, social development scholar and disability rights advocate
- Muhammad Yanus, Bangladeshi social entrepreneur, banker and economist, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.
For more information on the Smart City Expo World Congress, please visit the official event website.