
Rotterdam launched ECOSTARS to engage with fleet operators

Alderman Alexandra van Huffelen handing over the membership certificate to Schmidt Zeevis

On 23rd of April, the managing director of Rotterdam’s City Development Tom Boot welcomed ECOSTARS Rotterdam’s first scheme members in an unusual setting between hering and shrimps. It was Rotterdam’s famous seafood trader Schmidt Zevis who hosted the launch of ECOSTARS in Rotterdam.

At the launch event, Rotterdam's Alderman Alexandra van Huffelen handed the membership certificates to the first three audited scheme members: Schmidt Seafood and MTC Transport have received four ECOSTARS each, applying the revised new ECOSTARS criteria. The garbage truck of Roteb, who is operating Rotterdam’s public fleet, is a Volvo Hybrid truck receiving a five star certificate.

In total, ECOSTARS Rotterdam includes now about 500 vehicles. Rotterdam targets to cover about 5.000 vehicles in the scheme by the end of the year. Two consultancies are contracted by the municipality to carry out audits of 2.500 vehicles each.

Incentives for ECOSTARS fleets:

The city of Rotterdam invites ECOSTARS member to be part of a brainstorming group, which will exchange ideas about the role of the municipality and the development of ECOSTARS and its privileges. For example, specific restrictions at any level can become matters of discussion.

The city is currently examining possibilities to link specific incentives to scheme membership. Possible incentives include longer access to time restriction areas for loading and unloading, green waves for easier passing crossings and benefits in tenders of the municipality.

Lean and Green Awards:

Lean and Green is run on national level and awards companies in general for its ambition to reduce carbon emission. This national scheme focuses on front runners, whereas ECOSTARS focuses on a wide range of fleet operators. In Rotterdam, both systems now work together and complement each other: Members of Lean and Green can profit from the privileges of ECOSTARS and vice versa.

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