Reminder: Register now for TIDE Final Conference in Barcelona 15-16 September + new updated version of the programme available
The mission of TIDE is to enhance the broad transfer and take-up of fifteen innovative urban transport and mobility measures throughout Europe and to make a visible contribution to establishing them as mainstream measures.
The TIDE final conference will present the results of three years of cooperation on innovative urban mobility and offers a unique opportunity for urban transport practitioners and policy makers from all over Europe to learn more about innovative approaches in urban transport pricing measures, non-motorised transport, traffic management, public transport organization and electric vehicles. The fifteen cities involved in TIDE will share their experience in the take-up of urban transport innovation. The presentations will be combined with site visitsthat will give a concrete illustration of how the different measures work in practice.
TIDE chose Barcelona as location for the conference, because it is a city where innovation takes place in all TIDE areas.
Click here to register for the Final Conference and to see an updated draft of the programme.