
Registration open! Polis Environment & Health Working Group meeting on Health and Transport, September 19th

This meeting will look at how cities can comply with the EU Air Quality legislation, including public investments in active travel (walking and cycling), integration of health in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP), Health Impact Assessment (HIA) while selecting transportation projects, and application of WHO's HEAT tool on the appraisal of walking and cycling schemes.

An updated Polis Health and Transport Agenda together with a report on Network's activites on the subject will be discussed at roundtable, also in view of the forthcoming The PEP 4th High-level Meeting in Paris, April 2014.

The meeting will start at 9:00 and finish around 17:30, and will take place in Brussels.

Registration online is open. to register, please visit the event webpage.

Deadline for registration: September 16th.

For more information, please contact Florinda Boschetti.