
Qualitative assessment of the 21 ITS applications selected in the VRUITS project now available online in easy and accessible format!

The project has identified a set of applications which have a high potential benefit on improving safety and mobility of Vulnerable Road Users, and performed a first qualitative assessment on the safety and mobility impact of the services. With a user friendly and appealing design, the results of the qualitative assessment for each of the 21 ITS applications identified were presented at the 16th of June workshop. The one page format of a poster outlining the results of the qualitative impact assessment for each of the ITS applications provides a very good accessible overview of the benefits and drawback for each of these applications. The posters presenting the qualitative assessment are available on the VRUITS website by clicking here: posters VRUITS ITS applications.

Furthermore, the workshop was the beginning of a process to select a reduced number out of these 21 applications for further assessment that will be more comprehensive and have a stronger quantitative element. Local authorities are invited to fill in the survey on the applications to help select the most relevant ones for further assessment by clickiing here.

In the area of safety for Vulnerable Road Users, the VRUITS project brings an original light by linking the issue to ITS applications in particular. For further information on the VRUITS project, please visit the website or contact Cleo Davies: