
Personalised Travel Planning: Study Visit in Dorset for PTP-Cycle partners

Sustrans, U.K. charity leading on several sustainable mobility initiatives targeting all group ages, welcomed partners coming from Antwerp (BE), Burgos (ES), Ljubljana (SI), Riga (LT), and London’s Boroughs of Greenwich and Haringey who will be implementing their PTP in 2014. LEPT, Traject and Polis have also participated and enjoyed the training.

The Study Visit opened with a short briefing session. Mr Adam Bows, from Dorchester City Council, presented the local context, mobility challenges and congestions problems that commuters are facing for daily trip between Weymouth and Dorchester. He also showed potentials for a modal shift to cycling and public transport.

His presentation was followed by Lindsey Scott, PTP Project Manager with Sustrans, who gave an overview on the PTP approach’s first phase: Scoping and pre-fieldwork.

In the afternoon the group was split up into two smaller groups each heading one of the PTP Field Offices in Dorchester and Weymouth. The two towns are around 40 minutes away from one another by train. Project Officers (Field Office supervisors) introduced us their staff, including Travel Advisors, materials, data entry, packing, and delivery. Then we all got on some spare bicycles and each followed one Travel Advisor on mission making contact with households and delivering PTP.

The experience proved interesting and highly useful for the 6 cities which now have a better understanding on how they will have to organise their PTP process.

The first PTP training with selected Travel Advisors from the 6 cities will take place at meeting in London around mid October.

For more information on PTP-Cycle, please contact Florinda Boschetti.