
Multimodal Traffic Management Cluster sets course with Roadmap for 2030 (and beyond!)

The Multimodal Traffic Management Cluster (MTMC) gathers 7 Horizon Europe Projects focusing on Traffic Management: ACUMEN, DELPHI, DIT4TRAM, FRONTIER, ORCHESTRA, SYNCHROMODE, TANGENT.

On 4 October 2024, the cluster published its 'Multimodal Traffic Management: Roadmap for 2030 and beyond.' This collaborative work outlines a strategic vision and framework for developing and implementing integrated multimodal transport management systems across Europe. It tackles the complexities of managing transport networks, concentrating on three interconnected areas, essential for creating a seamless, efficient, and resilient transport system:

  • Technologies and Services
  • Data
  • Policies

Pillar 1: Technologies and services

Leveraging advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), advanced decision support systems (DDS), and cooperative connected and automated mobility (CCAM), is necessary to create an adaptive and resilient multimodal transport system. These technologies raise three challenges to overcome: cybersecurity, high computational level, and public acceptance of these new tools.

Pillar 2: Data

Real-time decision-making and predictive analytics can considerably improve a transport system. However, to create these models, there is a need for a robust data ecosystem. European projects such as deployEMDS and Napcore aim at creating a common European mobility data space (EMDS) by harmonising data-sharing frameworks and setting up standards and protocols.

Pillar 3: Policy

The development of such innovations must be framed by policies. The framework should include the diverse regulatory environments as well as ensuring cross-border cooperation and aligning policies from the local, national and European levels.

The way to 2030 is paved with many steps: harmonising regulations, promoting Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), ensuring compliance with EU climate neutrality targets, establishing federated data spaces, enhancing data interoperability, ensuring secure data sharing practices… But this path contains all the elements for success and will lead to an unseen progression towards an efficient, resilient, safe and sustainable transportation system for both passengers and freight.


You can access the roadmap by clicking below:

MTMC Roadmap 2030