
Meet LeMesurier: Leading the Charge Toward Clean Road Transport in Europe

The European Union has established achieving climate neutrality by 2050 as one of its main challenges. To achieve this goal, significant efforts are being made to transform road transport to be clean and sustainable.

Here’s where the LeMesurier project comes in, playing a pivotal role in measuring progress towards this ambitious goal.

LeMesurier is a flagship initiative under the 2Zero Partnership, an EU-funded co-programmed Partnership that builds on the foundations laid by the European Green Cars Initiative (EGCI) and the European Green Vehicles Initiative (EGVI).

The 2Zero Partnership promotes research and innovation to create solutions for clean road transport, addressing the research needs necessary to achieve Europe’s transport, energy, and environmental goals. This initiative is critical for establishing a carbon-neutral road transport system, thus accelerating the transition to a sustainable future.

More than reducing tailpipe emissions, the Partnership aims to stimulate economic growth, create jobs, and enhance the EU’s competitiveness. Additionally, it works to bolster the EU’s leadership in road transport technology.

LeMesurier: Measuring Progress for a Cleaner Future

LeMesurier’s activities feed into the objectives of the 2ZEROParternship. The project will contribute to the EU’s climate objectives by developing a framework to monitor progress and assess the impact of zero-emission road transport initiatives. This framework is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of the 2Zero projects' Key Performance Indicators, ensuring they effectively guide Europe’s transition to clean road transport.

Further, the project will draft recommendations to improve measurement and evaluation for the 2Zero initiatives and beyond, fostering continuous enhancement of clean transport strategies.

Aligned with the Green Deal, which outlines the EU's path to a modern, resource-efficient, and competitive economy, LeMesurier ensures that investments in clean transport are effectively measured, keeping the EU on track to achieve its climate neutrality targets.

Who is part of the LeMesurier Consortium?

Coordinated by Ricardo and E3-Modelling, the LeMesurier project is supported by a strong consortium that includes POLIS, EMISIA, AVL, VDI/VDE-IT, Bosch, CERTH, ERTICO, FEV, FHG, IDIADA, IFPEN, and UEMI. LeMesurier will also closely link with STREnGth_M, as several partners are common to both projects.

Want to keep up with the latest news? Visit LeMesurier's website and follow the project on LinkedIn.