TANGENT's first newsletter: in your inbox... soon!
Do you want to learn about the TANGENT project? Curious about their cities’ achievements? Interested in traffic efficiency, multimodal transport and transport innovations?
TANGENT is about to launch its first newsletter.
Every four months, readers will get the opportunity to read about the project’s overall progress, updates on the implementation of activities in cities, spotlights including interviews and photographs, and articles on traffic efficiency, multimodal mobility and more.
You can subscribe now to the TANGENT newsletter - you will not regret it!
TANGENT is developing new tools to optimize traffic operations from a multimodal perspective, including automated/non-automated vehicles, passengers, and freight transport.
TANGENT is establishing new technologies and services for transport systems managers; there are then tested in Rennes (FR), Lisbon (PT), Greater Manchester (UK), and virtually in Athens (GR) using actual data from various modes of transport.
The project will enhance multimodal networks for passengers and freight, reduce congestion, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, improve safety and security, and decrease the cost of mobility for all, amongst others.
TANGENT started in September 2021 and will end in August 2024.