Madrid develops app for improving travel information
The Municipal Transport Company of Madrid (EMT) has developed a smart mobility app that plans journeys based on bus occupancy.
Mobility providers are continually striving to update, enhance and revise service provision, in improve transport options. This has been incredibly important during COVID-19, with operators forced to adapt mobility operations in line with social distancing measures and shifting travel patterns.
Smart solutions are needed, and EMT is one such operator pioneering such innovation. EMT has developed the Madrid Mobility 360 app, an application which allows users to obtain information on bus occupancy both while calculating a route and while waiting at the bus stop. This assists the city in flattening the use of public transport during rush hour, steering the Madrid towards a sustainable (and mobile) COVID-19 recovery.
The application is also an innovative foray into Mobility as a Service (MaaS), extending EMT’s already innovative MaaS offerings. This smartphone application combines public transport with free-floating shared mobility services, and it is possible to make payments through the App, purchasing bus tickets and BiciMAD or BiciMAD Go services.
Find out more about the app here (in Spanish).