
CEDR “Climate Change Summit”, November 19-20, Utrecht

The conference – the CEDR “Climate Change Summit” – will present the results of three research projects funded under this programme and review the implementation of all climate change research that CEDR has funded over the past ten years.

In particularl the event will:

  • present the final results of three recently completed research projects under Call 2015 Climate Change
  • review the implementation of previous climate change research results
  • plot next steps in terms of integrating climate change research findings into practice

The focus of the summit is ‘the next step’: how to integrate and implement previous and current CEDR research findings, related to climate change, into decision-making and work practice. This event is open for registration and attendance is free of charge.

Given the relevance of the conference topic to cities and regions, POLIS members would be very welcome to attend.

The conference programme and registration are available here.

For any further questions, please contact