
Activities of EC's urban and public transport WG on C-ITS

The objective and scope of this group include:

-          Identifying relevant C-ITS services in urban areas

-          Consolidation of urban C-ITS activities

-          Identifying urban C-ITS deployment barriers and enablers

The initial work of this group, conducted by city and Member State representatives, has involved prioritising a selection of the so-called Day 1 and Day 1.5 C-ITS services (ie, those services that can be delivered in the short-term). These services include providing traffic light priority and traffic light countdown or optimised speed to catch the green light to designated vehicles such as trucks and buses; displaying speed limits on the vehicle dashboard (in-vehicle speed limits) and floating vehicle data (to feed into traffic management systems).

Next, the group has identified the main barrier to the implementation of these services (eg, no clear business case, high investment cost, integration) along with their importance and finally the measures that could be taken to address the problem and at what level. The result of this exercise is a list of work items that the group needs to tackle.

Polis is involved in this group along with Polis members Helmond, Noord Holland and Transport for London.

For more information, contact Suzanne Hoadley