Promoting soft mobility in the Mediterranean: towards more sustainable mobility systems
In the scope of scope of the European Week of Regions and Cities, the Urban Transport Community will present policy recommendations to support the development of sustainable and soft mobility across the Mediterranean as well as its results.
Join the session organized by the Urban Transports Community, as part of the 2021 European Week of Regions and Cities, on October 14, 2021, 11:00 - 12:00 (CEST)
The Urban Transports Community will unveil policy recommendations for the implementation of soft mobility in the Mediterranean and will showcase the results of a successful project to replicate soft mobility solutions in the Mediterranean through a mentoring process.
Soft mobility is a proven driver of better public health and quality of life in cities. The COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged decision-makers to see cycling in a new light.
It is time for cities and regions to double down on their investment in soft mobility as the key to more sustainable and resilient mobility. We will show how pioneers in the Mediterranean are doing it.
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