
Online Workshop: Responsible Innovation for Smart Public Transport

The LIVING INNOVATION project aims to engage citizens and lead users in workshops across Europe to co-create the way we will live in 2030, inviting you to join the online workshop "Responsible Innovation for Smart Public Transport" on September 6.

LIVING INNOVATION is a EU-funded project that aims to develop responsible, smart home solutions that tackle societal challenges and respond to pressing societal trends, uniting 14 partners from 10 European countries, including nine leading companies in the areas of smart homes and smart health.

Smart public transport is essential to meet the challenges of urbanization. 50% of the world’s population lives in urban areas and this number is expected to increase to 70% by 2050. In order to prepare for new digital ecosystems correctly, smart public transport will require responsible innovation of many stakeholders from different industries.

In the frame of the LIVING INNOVATION project, ISINNOVA (IT), De Montfort University (UK), WU Vienna (AT) and Siemens (DE) are organizing online workshops on September 6, 14:00 - 15:30 (CEST).

During this workshop you will:

  • Gain insights into applications of responsible innovation in smart public transport
  • Learn about the benefits that arise from applying principles of responsible innovation in smart public transport
  • Listen to the learnings of using responsible innovation in smart homes & health which are also relevant for Smart Public Transport

Workshop agenda: 

  • Responsible Innovation Principles and Business Case
    • André Martinuzzi (WU Vienna) is Founding Director of the Institute for Managing Sustainability and Coordinator of the LIVING INNOVATION project. He is currently developing a series of policy briefs on responsible innovation, as well as organizing a series of virtual “innovation corners”.
  • Health Responsible Innovation in Smart Public Transport
    • Carlo Sessa is Research Director at ISINNOVA. He has extensive experience in coordinating EU research projects, particularly in the fields of transport, energy, environment, and urban governance. Carlo is passionate about bringing together industry experts and citizens to discuss future scenarios and challenges, with a view to increasing public awareness of science and technology, and he leads several participatory projects to this end.
  • Responsible Innovation for Smart Mobility
    • Klaus-Peter Wegge is head of the Siemens Accessibility Competence Center. In the frame of the LIVING INNOVATION project, he and his team designed and implemented a series of co-creation workshops for, and with older persons and persons with disabilities, identifying functional requirements and services for smart applications supporting their mobility. The workshop findings are being transferred to a DIN norm which is planned to be published at the end 2021
  • An interactive discussion will be facilitated by:
    • Catherine Flick (De Montfort University) designed and implemented a series of co-creation workshops for, and with, families from lower socio-economic groups in Leicester (United Kingdom). Based on the vast experiences, she is currently preparing a toolbox for co-creating with economically deprived people.


Sign up under: https://www.living-innovation.net/signup

and join this Workshop here or contact the organizer: sivanova@isinnova.org

