Mobilising Mobility: Dynamic space management – are we there yet?
Public space is one of the scarcest commodities in our cities. However, the idea of dynamic use of space is underway. Or is it?
Are we there yet?
We have seen the emergence of ideas such as parking by night and cyclepath by day. The webinar presents tools, best practices and research on dynamic space management, beginning with the MORE project – which treats streets as ever-evolving ecosystems – but can they manage dynamic space management regimes? Tune in to find out!
This webinar was moderated by Ivo Cré.
Featured speakers were:
- Peter Jones (University College London) – Current findings of the MORE project
- Anna Craciun (Transport for Greater Manchester) – Mapping and improving public space use
- Susan Claris (ARUP) – FlexKerbs, from strategy to operations of flexible space use
The webinar is a Polis initiative in cooperation with the MORE project.
Find the recording here
About MORE
MORE project aims to develop design concepts that encourage street activity and reduce traffic dominance by considering the needs of all road users. MORE will explore experimental options such as flexible use of kerb space and dynamic allocation of road space to accommodate different functions. Tools and procedures are being developed in five nodes of the TEN-T: Budapest, Constanta, Lisbon, London, and Malmö.