02/04/2024 - 05/04/2024 Brussels, Belgium

Connecting Europe Days 2024

In the heart of Brussels, Belgium, from 2-5 April, policymakers, industry leaders, and transport stakeholders will convene at Connecting Europe Days 2024.

With over 2,500 participants hailing from all the EU and neighbouring countries, including the Western Balkan partners, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, and Georgia, Connecting Europe Days 2024 promises to be a dynamic platform for dialogue and collaboration and an incredible platform for discussions and actions toward a sustainable, smart, and resilient transport and mobility network across the EU.

Sign up now for Connecting Europe Days 2024


Organised together with the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, Connecting Europe Days 2024 will translate the ambitious goals outlined in the EU Green Deal and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy into tangible actions, focusing on four pivotal themes:

  1. the launch of the nine new ‘European Transport Corridors’ of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T), which also extend to neighbouring third countries;
  2. the resilience of the European transport network to the changing climate, with the presentation of possible adaptation measures;
  3. the connectivity of our transport network with neighbouring third countries and its preparedness for external threats, by showcasing key initiatives for seamless trade flows such as the “Solidarity Lanes”;
  4. the future of funding and financing opportunities for transport infrastructure projects.


Check the programme HERE.

POLIS at Connecting Europe Days

Here are the sessions where you can find POLIS:

'Debate 4: Urban nodes: connecting the TEN-T network and urban mobility' (3 April 2024, 09:00 - 10:30 CET, Copper Hall)

  • Ivo Cré will moderate a panel discussion aimed at exchanging experiences while preparing for the implementation of the requirements set out in the proposed TEN-T Regulation. It will focus on discussing strategies and experiences with urban nodes. Panellists will elaborate on the governance of urban nodes and data collection practices, how to stimulate cooperation and coordination within and between urban nodes and how to integrate them into the wider work of the TEN-T community.

'Debate 10: Increased role of urban nodes in multi modal intelligent traffic management (3 April 2024, 11:00 - 12:30 CET, Copper Hall)

  • Karen Vancluysen will feature as a speaker during this debate diving deep into common issues on implementing ITS in urban nodes, addressing needs and challenges of public administration in urban nodes and the role of public–private cooperation. Good practices will be presented on how to engage and help public administrations play their important role in reaching the objective of efficient, safe, sustainable, smart and resilient mobility. While challenges persist, the potential for reduced congestion, improved air quality, and enhanced social and territorial cohesion make the pursuit of this transformation a vital step towards creating smarter, more liveable cities.

'Signature of Cooperation Agreement between NAPCORE and POLIS (3 April 2024, 13:00 CET, Grand Hall 1)

  • Recognising the mutual interest in addressing the complexities of data provision in urban and regional settings, NAPCORE and POLIS will establish a cooperative framework. The agreement will aim not only to comprehend the structures, needs, and requirements of data and service providers at the urban level but also to bridge the gap between the different levels of action, fostering a collaborative environment that facilitates efficient data provision in cities and regions.

Plus, you can find POLIS projects featured in the vibrant exhibition area:

Staff member(s)