CleanMobilEnergy seminar: Introduction to the iEMS
Tue, December 7, 2021; 10:00-10:45 CET
The second event in the CleanMobilEnergy Digital Seminar series shall provide a general overview of the interoperable Energy Management System (iEMS), developed and tested in various City Pilot environments through the Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) CleanMobilEnergy project.
The CleanMobilEnergy interoperable Energy Management System (iEMS) will increase the economic value of renewable energy (RES) and significantly reduce carbon emissions.
By assuring the smart integration of renewable resources through interoperability – based on open standards for data flows and analysis tools – the iEMS will make it possible for RES to be used locally, so electric vehicles can be charged with 100 % renewable energy, offered at an optimal price.
11:00 Opening
11:05 The CleanMobilEnergy interoperable energy management system (iEMS)
11:30 Moderated Q & A session
11:45 Closing remarks
Event Moderator: Chris Ashe, European Institute for Innovation - Technology e.V. (EIfI-Tech)
Speaker(s): Ulrich Leopold, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)