Arthur D. Little x POLIS report: ‘The future of mobility 5.0’

Arthur D. Little x POLIS report: 'The future of mobility 5.0'

How do we change gears in the journey towards sustainable mobility? Arthur D. Little and POLIS' new report on the future of mobility explores eight potential solutions to double global sustainable mobility over the next decade.

Despite the promise of sustainable mobility options to reduce emissions, increase choice and deliver seamless journeys, its progress over the last 15 years has been slow. 70% of passenger-km journeys in urban areas are still by individual car.

Arthur D. Little (ADL)/POLIS' new study highlights that adopting eight high-impact solutions can transform the growth of virtuous mobility, potentially doubling the shade of sustainable mobility in the modal split from approximately 30% to 60% of passenger kilometres (PAX) over the next decade.

The eight solutions reviewed are:

  1. Climate change mitigation policies – adopting a more joined-up policy approach, complementing electrification with other actions to maximize its impact
  2. City of Proximity (15-minute city) concepts – shaping cities to be more human-centric and accessible
  3. Dimensioning of mass transit – developing multimodal masterplans to encourage public transport use
  4. New mobility services (micro, shared and on-demand) – greater collaboration between local and regional authorities and new mobility service providers to create and grow ‘shared-mobility ecosystems’, combining public transport and new mobility.
  5. Mobility-as-a-Service – adapting a comprehensive approach to frame and implement MaaS solutions that enable mobility policy’s objectives, and provide more value than the sum of their parts.
  6. Autonomous mobility – anticipating the introduction of autonomous vehicles and looking at specific use cases that increase sustainability
  7. Mobility demand management – driving behaviour change through a combination of regulation and cultural change
  8. Mobility funding – optimising the efficiency and effectiveness of funding and diversifying funding sources for operators

Read the full "The future of mobility 5.0: Making the shift - Changing gear in the journey Making the shift — Changing gear in the journey toward sustainable mobility" report here.


For more information, contact Cate Bonthuys, Catalyst Comms,+44 7746 546773,