Become a POLIS member

Why become a member

Joining POLIS brings you to the centre of the European urban mobility community.



Get to know your peers and learn from other cities and regions across Europe.


Receive support

Receive support to access and join European initiatives & transport projects.


Engage in partnerships

Engage in partnerships with industry & research organisations towards the deployment of innovation.


Make your voice heard

Make your voice heard in European transport policy.

How to become a member


POLIS Membership is open to all European (also non-EU) local and regional authorities including cities, provinces, and regions, as well as to their transport authorities, mobility agencies and local public transport organisations.

Associate Membership is open to entities which are not eligible for full membership such as associations, research centres and universities with an interest in local and regional transport. Associate members do not take part in the internal decision-making process of POLIS and do not vote in the General Assembly.

Non-European cities can become engaged in the network as associated members and link up with their European counterparts via the POLIS Global Platform.

Ukrainian cities can now respond to our Call for Expression of Interest to join POLIS at no charge

The membership conditions and the application forms for full and associated membership are available in the “related documents” section at the bottom of the page.

Application procedure

To become a member, please fill in the application form and send it to the POLIS Secretariat accompanied by a letter of intent. The application will be then submitted to the Management Committee for approval. If you have any questions concerning membership, please contact Jonathan De Vriendt.

“POLIS network opens a window to the EU and beyond in terms of mobility and transport innovation. It allows us to expand knowledge, to enrich it and share it, becoming an incredibly useful tool for my home town Madrid. Besides that, it is always a pleasure to work with POLIS team; they are always available and their efficiency is beyond any doubt. They are more than colleagues, very good friends.”


Sergio Fernández Balaguer, EMT Madrid

“POLIS is an asset for understanding the European transport arena. The professional team is always at your disposal and ready to help you in any situation. POLIS’ asset is its ability to intervene both at the political and technical level.”


Françoise Guaspare, Île-de-France Europe

“POLIS made it possible to build up capacity and knowledge in our young team. The thematic pillars with key topics in mobility planning and transport innovation support us in setting out our policy lines in urban mobility and the professional preparation of the topics by POLIS inspires and motivates us to be a frontrunner in sustainable urban mobility. Through POLIS we have become an active city in European funding projects and being part of the network really helps to have an impact on European agenda-setting. Both on the political level and on the level of the city administration the knowledge exchange and cooperation between POLIS members is strongly appreciated.”


Tim Asperges, City of Leuven