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ECF releases European COVID-19 Cycling Measures Tracker

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), in collaboration with its member organisations from all over Europe, have been collecting detailed information about the measures taken by local or national authorities for the recovery after COVID-19 quarantine. The lockdown imposed strict measures on Europeans, but it also gave citizens and decision-makers alike an opportunity to experience cities without air or noise pollution, with safer streets and more space for people. This new dashboard tracks the progress of all these initiatives to achieve more liveable cities through cycling and walking.

Many cities are showing strong leadership in reallocating public space to active mobility and governments around Europe are offering financial incentives to encourage cycling. Having already delivered important sections of new infrastructure and traffic calming measures, the cities of Paris, Brussels and Barcelona are amongst the most commendable examples.

A variety of measures are being rapidly implemented across the continent. For the future of mobility in Europe, we find it highly encouraging to see that many of these changes are concentrated in cities with previously low levels of cycling, which underlines the huge potential for a shift towards sustainable transport modes like cycling, especially if these measures become permanent.

The Cycle Tracker has revealed interesting findings including:

  • A total of 1,221 km of new cycling and walking infrastructure have been announced
  • 545 km are already rideable
  • €823,167,400 were allocated for cycling promotion
  • Rome has announced 150 km of cycle lanes
  • The extra budget allocated for cycling measures in Finland amounts to 7.8 euro/inhabitant

You can view and find out more about the Cycle Tracker here.