Data on Wuhan bike use reveals changing travel trends
Since 2017 the Wuhan Transportation Development Strategy Research Institute has been producing and publishing reports on bicycle mobility using data from the city's Mobike bicycle share service, and CityPhi for data analysis and dynamic display of the mobility data. Using data through March 2020, the recently published "Epidemic Riding Report" illustrates changes in bike mobility during the quarantine period.
After the City of Wuhan instituted quarantine measures on January 23, buses, subways and taxis were suspended and motor vehicle use was restricted. Many of the frontline medical workers turned to bicycles, including those from the Mobike service to maintain their posts. Volunteers who provided essential services also used the bikes, as did the general public to replenish groceries and supplies during their allotted pre-scheduled shopping trip times.
Data has now been published on how bike use has changed throughout the city since the spread of COVID-19, as revealed on Inro.
You can read the report here.
Image credit: Inro.