The goal? The enhancement of an intelligent urban road transport network and cooperative systems for highly automated vehicles.
MAVEN - Managing Automated Vehicles Enhances Network - focused on the development of a set of tools for multimedia data management and security. More specifically, MAVEN provided solutions for managing automated vehicles in an urban environment (with signalised intersections and mixed traffic), developed algorithms to organize the flow of infrastructure-assisted automated vehicles and structured the negotiation processes between vehicles and the infrastructure.
The project covered a wide range of subjects relevant to the city authority, including the role of roadside equipment (eg, traffic lights); interaction between the infrastructure and automated vehicles in terms of functions such as speed advisory, platooning or lane change advisory and the impact on vulnerable road users (pedestrians and cyclists), among others. Sub-objectives were:
- The development of a generic multi-level system for the guidance of highly automated vehicles, applied to dynamic platoons at signalised intersections and signalized corridors.
- The contribution to the development of C-ITS communication standards, in particular, message sets for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) interactions to support vehicle platooning and negotiation and scheduling algorithms.
- Develop and integrate ADAS techniques to prevent and/or mitigate dangerous situations taking into account Vulnerable Road Users (e.g., pedestrians and/or cyclists).
- The development test, demonstration and evaluation of the MAVEN system for signalized intersections and signalised corridors, including local level routing strategies, traffic light optimisation and trajectory planning, using real-world prototype vehicle and traffic simulation studies.
- The production of a roadmap for the introduction of future traffic management systems.
Key deliverables:
- D6.4 - Integration final report
- D8.8 - Transition Roadmap report (final)
- D8.6 - White paper on management of connected automated vehicles in a smart city environment
- D7.2 - Impact Assessment -Technical Report
- D3.3. - Cooperative manoeuvre and trajectory planning algorithms
- D3.2 - Cooperative environment perception algorithms
The project was funded by the European Commission's Directorate General for Mobility and Transport through the FP7 Programme.
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