
Bologna launches DegustiBus: what do passengers really think about public transport?

The app has been developed by SRM - as Champion Citiy - within Cluster 5 of TIDE Project. It gives birth to a new approach to service quality data collection, because for the first time they are not collected by the Operator (and kept "hidden"), but by the Authority. DegustiBus will then become a useful tool for the Authority to control the PT service, because it will allow us to focus our control activities on what is mainly perceived as a problem by users.

It consists of three main part:

  1. the front-end for user: a responsive website that can be accessed everywhere and every when (with a smartphone waiting for the bus, with a tablet during the travel on the bus and with a computer at home/work). With few click it is possible to rate many elements of PT service: punctuality, timetables, drivers, buses, information to user, etc... User can register himself or leave an anonymous feedback
  2. the back-end for authorized users: a password protected area where it is possible to have a first look to pre-elaborated data or download all data for further elaboration
  3. the control panel for Authority: the list of elements that can be rated is flexible, and it can be easily changed in real-time, just add a new element and it will appear immediately in the the front-end ready to be rated by users

This web-app can be installed in all other interested cities/counties/regions and adapted to specific needs. It can be use to rate all kind of PT service, not only by bus, but also metro lines, trains or the whole integrated PT network.

SRM has chosen to create a web-app instead of an app because in this way it will be possible to update contents and have them available in real-time, avoiding to download every time from app-stores an updated version.

The official webaddress is