
Open Data Portal in Rome

The open data portal was launched in December 2013. It will make a large amount of traffic data collected available to the public and it is expected that developers will develop apps to provide traveller information using the available data. The mobility data gathered, analysed, processed and produced by the Rome Mobility Centre will be published on the portal in order to allow developers to build upon it an added value for both operators and end users, thus widening the outreach of information broadcasting. That means the portal is meant to serve both developers and citizens with static and real-time data.

The portal will make a distinction among three types of data:
-       Public data, which will be primarily static and will be free for everyone
-       Basic services - mainly web-based services (eg, real-time data), which will be free under a fair use
-       Advanced services - services requiring significant infrastructure (eg, journey planner, API), which will be paid.

The portal is still only in Italian but will also be translated in English and can be accessed here:

The TIDE project, with the help of which the idea was crystallised, has as its aim to enhance the broad transfer and take-up of 15 innovative urban transport and mobility measures throughout Europe and to make a visible contribution to establish them as mainstream measures. TIDE works in five thematic clusters: financing models and pricing measures, non-motorised transport, network and traffic management to support traveller information, electric vehicles and public transport organisation. The open data portal was developed as part of the Measure Open Access Server for applications based traveller information.