01/10/2024 - 03/10/2024 Parma, Italy

CIVITAS Forum 2024

The CIVITAS Forum 2024 will take place in Parma, Italy, from 1-3 October.

The CIVITAS Forum brings together city representatives, policymakers, planners, and mobility enthusiasts to discuss the latest innovations in smart, sustainable urban mobility. As it is a great opportunity to connect with experts and changemakers from across Europe, POLIS (as in both the staff and our membership) always makes sure to not only participate, but also contribute to the programme with a variety of sessions and side events.

Scroll down for more details!

Where can you find POLIS at the CIVITAS Forum 2024


Session 3: How Will Urban Air Mobility Redefine City Transportation Systems?

  • Panel Discussion | Room Pizzetti | Moderator: Pia Peitl, DG
  • Speakers: Ingeborg Briseid Kraft, Bærum Municipality; Katia Tarasconi, Piacenza Municipality; Robert Weist, Hamburg Aviation; Marta Tojal Castro, ITG; Manon Coyne, POLIS; Renske Martijnse-Hartikka, Forum Virium Helsinki; Vassilis Agouridas, Airbus; Patrick van Egmond, LuxMobility

Session 4: How can Community-driven Initiatives Fundamentally Reshape and Improve Urban Transportation Systems?

  • Panel Discussion | Room Plenaria | Moderator: Karen Vancluysen, POLIS
  • Speakers: Walter Dresscher, Townmaking Institute; Eva Grigoriagou, URBANA; José Solaz Sanahuja, IBV; Cathérine Sanspeur, Municipality of Brasschaat; Michal Lejk, Warsaw Municipality; Kris Vanherle, Rear Window Elisabeth Meze, Urban Future; Eva De Vrij, Mobiel 21; Glenn Godin, Mobiel 21


Session 11: Leveraging Data Integration for Seamless Mobility and Logistics

  • Interactive Discussion | Room Paer |  Moderators: Paola Cossu, FIT Consulting; Laura Babío, POLIS; Clarisse de Cerjat, Eurocities
  • Speakers: Christopher Newman, acatech; Payal Pandya, Dublin City Council; Giovanni Bicego, Agenzia TPL; Georgia Ayfantopoulou, CERTH; Luigi Russi, City of Bologna; Sergio Fernández Balanguer, EMT Madrid


Session 14: Charging Ahead: Electrifying Urban Mobility and Logistics

  • Interactive Session | Room Paer | Moderator: Kateřina Kührová, Eurocities
  • Speakers: Michele Roccotelli, POLIBA; Oona Uusitalo, City of Turku; Maria Kamargianni, MaaSLab; Laura López Osorio, Rupprecht Consult; Flavio Grazian, UITP; Alice Benini, ITL; Mateo Uravić, EY representing the City of Križevci; Niklas Schmalholz, POLIS


Updating the SUMP Guidelines: Adapting to New Developments and Best Practices in Urban Mobility Planning

  • 30 September, 13:30-15:30 | Casa della Musica, Auditorium | Target audience: Policy, Research, Academia, Cities
  • More information here and here

Transferring last-mile logistics innovations and models from one European city to another

  • 1 October, 9:30-12:00 | Casa della Musica, Auditorium | Target audience: Policy, Research, Academia, Cities
  • More information here and here

Politicians Exchange Forum (invitation-only)

The Politicians Exchange Forum (PEF) takes place on Tuesday, 1 October 2024. Invited local leaders and EU representatives will come together to discuss critical urban mobility strategies, funding, and implementation of EU policies. The meeting serves as a platform for city officials to engage with European institutions on aligning local mobility plans with the EU's strategic goals, particularly in light of the upcoming Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2028-2034.

Karen Vancluysen, Secretary General of POLIS, will be actively involved in shaping the discussions during the PEF meeting, serving as moderator for the Open Discussion on the EU Cycling Strategy—in particular the session titled 'EU Cycling Strategy: From Declaration to Implementation,' guiding the conversation between key stakeholders, including city leaders, cycling advocates, and EU representatives.

What projects will be present at the CIVITAS Forum 2024

Urban Logistics Thematic Corner


Public Transport and Multimodality Thematic Corner


New Mobility Services and CCAM Thematic Corner


Urban Public Space Design Thematic Corner