
EGUM adopts its first recommendations!

The Commission Expert Group on Urban Mobility (EGUM) has launched its debut recommendations, with substantial input from POLIS. These game-changing suggestions aim to prioritise public transport, foster inclusivity, and tackle workforce challenges head-on.

At its recent plenary meeting on January 16, EGUM made waves by adopting its first round of recommendations for the European Commission, to which POLIS substantially contributed, along with some of our bold members. Established by the Commission as a revamped platform for dialogue and action, the reformed Expert Group on Urban Mobility is on a mission to drive stronger engagement from Member States and foster improved dialogue with cities, regions, and stakeholders.

The first documents were produced by the Subgroup on public transport and shared mobility, led by POLIS member Ile-de-France region and also UITP, the International Association of Public Transport. These recommendations dive into three key areas:

  1. Prioritising public transport: Explore strategies to ensure public transport takes center stage in urban areas in order to enable the operation of multimodal, quicker and more punctual, and reliable services.
  2. Boosting public transport inclusiveness: Delve into ways to make public transport more accessible and inclusive.
  3. Addressing worker shortages: Tackle the challenges of workforce shortages and evolving skill requirements in the public transport sector.

These crucial documents are now accessible to all, right here.

In the pipeline of this Subgroup are targeted recommendations revolving around urban public transport, set to roll out in the coming months. These will delve into optimising the fusion of public transport with shared mobility solutions, along with exploring the financing landscape and long-term sustainability of the sector.

But that's not all! The expert group has a jam-packed schedule, with a plethora of urban mobility topics on the docket for the year ahead. From urban vehicle access regulations to sustainable urban mobility planning and beyond, expect a steady stream of recommendations aimed at shaping the future of urban mobility. Stay tuned for more updates!


Curious to know more about EGUM's work, POLIS' role in it, and/or this first set of recommendations? Get in contact with Ivo Cré and Laura Babío.